Our Sweet Girl
Since I shared some not so cute photos in my last post, It's only right to also share some cute photos. See, I'm guilty.....I feel as if I must cancel out the not so cute pics with some cute ones. I just can't help it. I'm her mama. :-) I've uploaded two new youtube videos too. Check 'em out if you'd like. It's Lexi talking and walking. Too cute.

We all have our moments....
As parents it's natural to reflect our children in the most positive light when it comes to boasting about them, photographs, etc. I am no exception. I tend to tell only the sweet and cute stories and typically delete all the least photogenic images I capture. Today is a typical day in the Prouser household. Lexi was mostly cute and sweet but she did also have her moments of not so cute. I captured a series of "meltdown" shots which I found highly entertaining and thought I'd share them with you. I know the other parents reading this blog can totally relate to the next four images.

Lexi is Walking!!!
Well, little miss is finally walking! To be honest I was getting a little worried. It seemed like every other 14 month old on the planet was walking but her and I couldn't help but think that maybe something was wrong. You all know just how impatient I can be. Anyhow....for about three days now she's been choosing to walk over crawl and she's been stammering around the house without any coaxing whatsoever. She's not light on her feet by any means. She looks like Frankenstein and she sounds like a horse, but she's still cute as can be. I'll try to upload a video of her in action tomorrow. Today I was completely focused on yardwork and didn't get any recordings. I'm a terrible mom, I know. :-)
Gymboree Friends
Lexi has been attending Gymboree classes since she was six months old. I take her on Wednesday nights after work and Seth takes her on Friday afternoons during his daddy day with her. There we've learned how to encourage Lexi's physical development in ways that we would have never known otherwise. It really is truly amazing how much Seth and I have grown as parents by spending just an hour a week at Gymboree.
Another benefit of attending Gymboree classes is the interaction Lexi has with other children her age. Above are photos of Lexi and her friend Amelia, an adorable little girl just a month older than her who attends her Wednesday night "mommy and me" Gymboree class.
Another benefit of attending Gymboree classes is the interaction Lexi has with other children her age. Above are photos of Lexi and her friend Amelia, an adorable little girl just a month older than her who attends her Wednesday night "mommy and me" Gymboree class.
Go Obama!
As most of you know, Seth and I are die hard Obama fans and we were both SOOOO excited to see that 75,000 people went out to the Waterfront to hear him speak yesterday. We weren't able to make it but have heard personal accounts of how awesome an experience it was. It was quite the stark contrast from the last rally we attended in September where there were 4,000 attendees and everyone thought THAT was a huge turn out. I'm told that even with the huge turn out yesterday, everyone was polite and orderly, which we believe is a true testiment to Barak's supporters.
Tomorrow is Oregon's primary and we look forward to cheering him on when he creams Hillary. We can't wait to celebrate the swearing in of Mr. Barak Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2009. What a glorious day that will be!
Tomorrow is Oregon's primary and we look forward to cheering him on when he creams Hillary. We can't wait to celebrate the swearing in of Mr. Barak Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20, 2009. What a glorious day that will be!

Day Trip to the Beach
Today we took a day trip to the beach. The other day (after reading Rebecca's blog) I realized that Seth and I don't do too many unscheduled spontaneous things and we rarely go anywhere....and I'd really like to change that. So we decided to be spontaneous and head for the coast. Seth was reluctant thinking that we'd be stuck in a ton of traffic and the beach would be a mob scene, but my thought was that perhaps the high gas prices would keep people home. We got up and left early. We were out of the house at around 8:30am, stopped for gas and coffee and got to Lincoln City a little after 10am. Even that early in the morning it was beautiful and warm on the sand. And to our surpise the roads were clear and the beach was virtually empty. This was Lexi's first experience with sand and waves and she just LOVED it! She sat and played with her bucket for about an hour and a half and then played down near the surf for another hour at least. It was so much fun to watch her having such a good time. 

Penny had a delightful time as well with all the other dogs there. The only draw back was the sand was COVERED with large bugs that kept crawling up our legs and all over our blankets. That was a bit annoying. By the time 1:30 rolled around Lexi was ready for a shluffy (Nana's nickname for nap) so we were on our way. That's when Seth proved my theory wrong....everybody and their mother was on the road to the beach. Apparently the gas prices hadn't deterred them. The roads were packed, but we left with a big smiles on our faces having gotten there early enough to miss all the traffic and crowds altogether. What a wonderful day!
Penny had a delightful time as well with all the other dogs there. The only draw back was the sand was COVERED with large bugs that kept crawling up our legs and all over our blankets. That was a bit annoying. By the time 1:30 rolled around Lexi was ready for a shluffy (Nana's nickname for nap) so we were on our way. That's when Seth proved my theory wrong....everybody and their mother was on the road to the beach. Apparently the gas prices hadn't deterred them. The roads were packed, but we left with a big smiles on our faces having gotten there early enough to miss all the traffic and crowds altogether. What a wonderful day!
Sprinkler Time
Today was HOT!!! It was ridiculously hot by Portland standards...in the mid 90's. So, Seth and I decided to buy munchie a special treat to keep her cool. We got her all decked out in her adorable bikini that Grandma Gini gave her for her birthday, put her on the lawn and turned on her brand new gift....an Elmo sprinkler!!! What ensued after that was pure preciousness. She absolutely loved it! She became completely transfixed with trying to stop the flow of water misting from the top of Elmo's hand. It was so much fun to watch and best of all, it was a great opportunity to get some good pics of her in action, which as you all know is something that I live for. I've attached a few samples of the sweet and funny images that we captured today. Also to note, Lexi officially turned 14 months old today.
Our NEW Blog!!!
Well...since all our friends are doing it, we (or should I say I) figured it was time to join the bandwagon and start a blog. On this day, May 15, 2008, I solemnly swear to make posts to our blog regularly and keep our distant (and not so distant) friends and families informed of what may (or may not) be happening in our lives. This will serve to eliminate my mass Lexi emails to everyone and will instead allow you all to voluntarily visit our blog to see updates of Lexi et al, but only if you're interested. Don't worry nana, grandma, grandpa, auntie, etc....you will still continue to receive Lexi's bi-monthly emails since I KNOW how much you enjoy them.
So....yeah....this blog thing is pretty cool. I was inspired by my friend Rebecca who (no offense Becca) is not the best with the computer who recently started her own blog. She assured me it was super easy and with some encouragement from her managed to figure it out. And she's right! It was a cinch! The coolest part is that I can attach Lexi's YouTube videos to the site. I had no idea you could even do that! Now...all you have to do is click on the video you'd like to see directly off our blog and "bam" it's playing right in front of your eyes! I so love technology! Thanks to Nana, new YouTube videos should arrive monthly. Thanks Nana for doing such a fantastic job keeping up with that! We appreciate it very much.
We'll post again when we have more to report. Until then...ta ta!
So....yeah....this blog thing is pretty cool. I was inspired by my friend Rebecca who (no offense Becca) is not the best with the computer who recently started her own blog. She assured me it was super easy and with some encouragement from her managed to figure it out. And she's right! It was a cinch! The coolest part is that I can attach Lexi's YouTube videos to the site. I had no idea you could even do that! Now...all you have to do is click on the video you'd like to see directly off our blog and "bam" it's playing right in front of your eyes! I so love technology! Thanks to Nana, new YouTube videos should arrive monthly. Thanks Nana for doing such a fantastic job keeping up with that! We appreciate it very much.
We'll post again when we have more to report. Until then...ta ta!
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