
Lexi is Walking!!!

Well, little miss is finally walking! To be honest I was getting a little worried. It seemed like every other 14 month old on the planet was walking but her and I couldn't help but think that maybe something was wrong. You all know just how impatient I can be. Anyhow....for about three days now she's been choosing to walk over crawl and she's been stammering around the house without any coaxing whatsoever. She's not light on her feet by any means. She looks like Frankenstein and she sounds like a horse, but she's still cute as can be. I'll try to upload a video of her in action tomorrow. Today I was completely focused on yardwork and didn't get any recordings. I'm a terrible mom, I know. :-)


Nana said...

Does that mean that she won't need or want to hold onto my fingers anymore when she walks? It was SO precious while it lasted. While it's exciting that she's walking, there's a sadness to it from her Nana's perspective!

Bill Baer said...

Whoopie! I am so glad she is walking now! Now, you have to watch her even closer! Oh, Boy! Mom and dad will be busy! I remember with my daughters the good old walking days! Love Grandpa Bill

ckhalifa said...

Congrats to Lexi! I am sure she looks so precious toddling around :)

Rochelle Fern said...

I love watching my beautiful little granddaughters progress. She is such a cutie. I miss her sooooo much. Congrats my little budda belly on your first big steps of confidence. xoxo grandma