1.) When you ask her a question and she doesn't know the answer she looks at you with an inquisitive face and says "ummm?".
2.) She totes her cousin Emily's photo around with her kissing it and saying "Emmie".
3.) She asks to dance and goes to her boombox to turn on the music and begins swinging her arms and twirling about.
4.) Yesterday she came into the kitchen to ask for a wipe. I gave her one and then quietly watched to see what she was going to do with it...only to discover that she went into the living room to try to wipe up her pee pee accident off the floor (yesterday we were working on potty training so we let her go commando).
5.) She counts in Spanish.
6.) The other day when I was at the store I sneezed and Lexi, unprovoked, looked at me and said "bless you". It melted my heart.
7.) A few nights ago I was bringing Lexi downstairs after her bath. She heard that daddy was watching TV. I asked her "what do you think daddy is doing?" and her immediate response was "HOCKEY!". Seth and I were both astounded because he rarely watches hockey when she's awake and we've never really told her what it is. She just picked up on it all by herself!
8.) When you tell her she's a good dancer she says "thank you!".
9.) She likes watching football with daddy and belly laughs when the players get tackled and shouts out "more owies".
10.) Lexi has learned some mean stall tactics when it comes to night night time. Every night when it's time to go to bed, Seth and I ask her "what time is it?". And until just recently she would immediately chime in "night night time" and would start heading upstairs. Lately, she's been trying to stall by suggesting activities to do other than night night. She's start with "play?", then she'll move to "dance?", then she'll say "book?", then she'll act like she's hungry. It's really hilarious how she's already learning how to manipulate and she's not even two! We've got a precocious one on our hands I'm afraid.
Home Depot Girl
Last weekend we discovered that our kitchen faucet had been leaking under the sink and caused our entire cabinet floor to rot. It was time for a new faucet....so we all drove over to Home Depot to pick out new kitchen hardware. Lexi now pretty much refuses to sit in a cart so when we go places either Seth or I are in charge of following her around the store. This was no different in Home Depot where she wanted to explore up and down every aisle. We got our exercise that day for sure.

Hmmmm....now what should I go look at? Come on Big, let's go over here!!!!
Hmmmm....now what should I go look at? Come on Big, let's go over here!!!!
Shaelyn, Lexi and Aurelia
Yesterday Seth, Lexi and I went to Bridgeport to meet Seth's best friend Carey, his wife Tasha and his two girls, Shaelyn and Aurelia. They were in town for a few days from Aberdeen, Washington so we thought we'd all meet up for a visit.
Here's Lexi sitting on one of the stools at Pete's coffee waiting for her friends to arrive.
They were so excited to see each other. I snapped this shot only minutes after they got there. It's one of the cutest shots I've ever captured I think. Shaelyn just turned 5 years old a few weeks ago. Seth is Shaelyn's god father.
Here's Lexi sitting on one of the stools at Pete's coffee waiting for her friends to arrive.
Christmas with the Grahams
Seth, Lexi, Trista and I spent the first half of Christmas Day at Nana and Bops and then trekked over to Vancouver to spend Christmas evening with the Grahams. We gathered at Kathy and Jim's house and at first we weren't sure we'd be able to make it. The weather was iffy and the snow had made things a mess around Portland, but thankfully it warmed up enough on Christmas Day for the roads to clear up giving is the opportunity to safely make the trip.
In this photo: me, Lexi, Great Gramma Ginger, Virginia, Nana Gini and Amber.
Lexi and Great Gramma Ginger spending some time together on the couch.
James, Amber and Virginia were leaving for Virginia the next day where James got stationed in the Army. Their plan was to drive across country with their two year old Virginia and 2 dogs. Brave souls is all I can say.
Once again, Lexi was spoiled rotten with dozens of gifts. but like before....she was more interested in the wrapping than the actual present. I think things will likley be much different next year.
In this photo: me, Lexi, Great Gramma Ginger, Virginia, Nana Gini and Amber.
Radio Flyer from Nana and Bop
Hanukah was fruitful for Lexi Lu and of course Nana and Bop helped make it that way with a brand new red radio flyer wagon. This is not the standard metal wagon. This wagon has two fold down seats with seat belts and 4 cup holders! This is a wagon with style! It was painful to watch Seth try to put the thing together but after he did Lexi immediately wanted a ride....so around and around she went with everyone taking turns pulling her around Nana and Bop's house.

I'm really not too sure what's going on here. Either Lexi wants out or she's very upset with Big. I'm sure it's the former....
Okay....she seems to have calmed down and now wants to pat Big on the head. Everything is good in the world once again.

I'm really not too sure what's going on here. Either Lexi wants out or she's very upset with Big. I'm sure it's the former....

Hanukah Tidings from Grandma Rochelle and Grandpa Bill
On the first day of Hanukah Lexi received a HUGE package from Grandma Rochelle and Grandpa Bill. In it were all sorts of fun gifts including a Hello Kitty Boombox, a childrens music CD set, 5 hats, 2 sets of mittens, a book, a sticker book, chocolate coins, a cute Gymboree outfit, 2 Melissa and Doug puzzles and a talking fisher price purse from her Uncle Josh and family. She totally scored!
Here's a photo of her and Seth playing with the talking purse. In her hand is a photo of her cousin Emily which was also in the box. She now carries that photo around with all the time saying "Hi Emmie" and kissing it. So cute.
Lexi is in love with hats and there was no shortage this Hanukah. She received 5 in this box alone and tried on each and every one of them. Here she is sporting a cute candy Gymboree hat chomping on some Hanukah gelt.....yummy!
Lexi is also in love with stickers and she was so excited to see a whole book full of them. She's been enjoying peeling them off and sticking them on the pages.
Lexi loves her boombox so much that she likes to kiss it. We've documented this act. She knows how to play the music and change the song number but doesn't yet know how to put the CD's in and I don't want her to learn that for a long, long time. We've had dance sessions since she's gotten the boombox. Every night around dinner time Lexi requests to play the boombox and asks to dance. So we do and it's great fun. I will upload a video of her dancing shortly. Let's just say she's got her mommy's rythm....none. :-)
My mom got her this cute Gymboree outfit with the word "cutie" sewn onto the tush. Lexi enjoyed showing of her tush for this photo.

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