Here's a photo of her and Seth playing with the talking purse. In her hand is a photo of her cousin Emily which was also in the box. She now carries that photo around with all the time saying "Hi Emmie" and kissing it. So cute.
Lexi is in love with hats and there was no shortage this Hanukah. She received 5 in this box alone and tried on each and every one of them. Here she is sporting a cute candy Gymboree hat chomping on some Hanukah gelt.....yummy!
Lexi is also in love with stickers and she was so excited to see a whole book full of them. She's been enjoying peeling them off and sticking them on the pages.
Lexi loves her boombox so much that she likes to kiss it. We've documented this act. She knows how to play the music and change the song number but doesn't yet know how to put the CD's in and I don't want her to learn that for a long, long time. We've had dance sessions since she's gotten the boombox. Every night around dinner time Lexi requests to play the boombox and asks to dance. So we do and it's great fun. I will upload a video of her dancing shortly. Let's just say she's got her mommy's rythm....none. :-)
My mom got her this cute Gymboree outfit with the word "cutie" sewn onto the tush. Lexi enjoyed showing of her tush for this photo.

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