
Can a Working Mother Have it All?

Today I was thinking about the question "can a working mother have it all?" And you know what? I say, the answer is yes. It is indeed possible to succeed in both worlds, as long as you are willing to change your definition of "having it all.” I believe I'm a better mother because I work. Lexi is exposed to new and interesting things when I’m away and when we are together I do my best to make every minute count. My view is it’s about quality, not quantity, of minutes. By working I strive to show Lexi what women can accomplish and that she can do anything she puts her mind to. My biggest accomplishment since becoming a mom is coming to the realization that I can't be the best at everything I do, and being able to walk away and say 'I'm OK with that.' Instead, I’ve decided to focus my time and efforts on things that matter and give a little in areas that don’t matter all that much (in the grand scheme of things) such as keeping a clean home and preparing gourmet meals. I know that I’ll always have weeds in my garden, my bed will rarely be made, my clean clothes will sit in laundry baskets for weeks at a time and my meals will be simple, but you know what? That's OK!

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