I swear we were blessed with the world's greatest kid. A few weeks back at Rachel's wedding, Seth was watching her dance and he looked at me and said "gosh, how could you have a better kid than her?". It was such a sweet moment that it brought tears to my eyes. We are so very lucky to have her in our lives.
So, the other day I was driving home and I noticed a garage sale a few streets from our house. I glanced at the goods for sale and couldn't help but see that there was a bunch of baby clothes. I stopped thinking to myself that I'd just look and in no way expected to hit the jackpot. Well, I hit the jackpot alright! There were so many adorable articles of clothing, all in Lexi's size and in near perfect condition. I bought two bag loads and the woman only charged me 50 cents per item. It was incredible! The dress Lexi has on in these photos is one of the great finds. I just adore her in brown and this dress is so darn cute on her. I must say....I'm warming up to the whole concept of garage sales these days, especially with the economy in the state that it's in. This whole banking fiasco has really gotten me spooked!
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