
My Assessment of Sarah Palin's Speech Last Night

Here's my take on Mrs. Palin: She's a good speaker, I'll give her that. I can see why the sheep-le are entranced by her. She's very beautiful and can read off the teleprompter better than most. She has a very attractive family and a special needs baby. Okay, I get that. But it was obvious last night that she had many hours of coaching on style and delivery. It was also obvious that it was not her own material and the speech lacked anything substantive. There was little talk of policy or issues. Instead the speech was chalked full of smugness, attacks and mockery. She came across as over confident and intensely negative. Rather than being inclusive she is divisive. I think she fired up the base, yes. But I don't think she did much to attract independents or moderates. Quite the opposite actually. For that, I'm thankful.

Last night was yet another example of masterful Karl Rovian political theater, something the Republican's have cultivated into an art form.

I remain confident that by the time the election rolls around, the majority of the people will see through all the crap and will make the right choice. The RIGHT ticket is one which does not include a Bush supporting, wife cheating, hotheaded, fly boy and an anti-global warming, censorship loving, radical barracuda. Just my opinion.

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