
Lexi Milestones - Nearly 21 Months

Lexi will be 21 months old on the 16th and I've been very bad over the past few months about writing down her milestones. I feel like I must blog about this otherwise I'll lose it and forget when it ever happened. I really wish I were better about writing this stuff down, but hey.....it's hard to do it all. This blog will have to suffice.


Lexi now knows many of her colors. She can identify and name the following: beige, white (wyyyyt), black (back), pink (pimk), purple, yellow (yhewo), blue (boo), green (geen), red, brown (bown) and orange (owange). She's been doing this for at least a month now, but just recently cemented pink, white and black. She also knows that red means stop and green means go.


Lexi now knows many of her animals. She can identify and tell you most of the sounds that the following animals make: cow, bear, snake, dog, cat, sheep, horse, elephant, chicken, rooster, frog, pig. I know I'm leaving some out.....it's late. I'll have to come back to this one.


I just realized that Lexi knows the words to all the songs that I've been singing to her since she was born. The other day in the car I was singing to her and I would pause intentionally at places throughout the songs.....she would then chime in on the word that I paused on. I found this amazing and it really showed that she's been listening and retaining things that she hears. She knows:

Row, row, row your boat
I Love You (Barney Song)
Bringing Home a baby bumblebee
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
If you're happy and you know it....
If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops....
Ring Around the Rosie
The itsy bitsy spider
Old MacDonald
How much is that doggie in the window
Hickory dickory dock
The ABC song
I've been working on the railroad
Little Bow Peep
Sing a song a six pence


Most recently Lexi has been learning to count. We've been working on her counting to 10 in both English and Spanish. She hasn't been able to recite all ten in a row just yet but when you start her off she knows which one comes next. She's getting really good and pronouncing Spanish numbers too. The cutest thing in the world is hearing her say "ocho".


Lexi is getting pretty good about using her manners now too. Lately I've noticed that when she asks for more she says "more please". She also has been consistent in saying thank you without you having to ask her to (about 70% of the time). She still needs reminding but so far so good. We can't complain with her progress.


She's starting to say "I do" when you ask who wants....?
She says "luv you" when you put her down to bed or say goodbye when leaving for work in the morning
When Penny barks she says "No, bad"
When you ask her how much she likes something she says "Much This" - this is Seth's favorite


Anonymous said...

Jenn, don't forget to add "Ring around the Rosie" to her list of songs! Nana

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing her yesterday, whispering things under her breath. Just the cutest!

rebecca said...

She's brilliant!! Of course, I am comparing her to my BOY. Boys aren't quite as brilliant that early. Though I may have stunted Nik's words by teaching him sign language. He is finally talking more and more now, thankfully, as he will be 3 in 4 months. I need to have a girl so I know if it's me or not:) Anyway, you're an amazing mama!

jenny said...

What a smart cookie and a cute one at that. Your such a great mom!