
Family Trip to the Grocery Store

With Seth and I working full time and all the summer events we have on the weekends it's sometimes a bit difficult finding the time to get to the grocery store. So, tonight (when we once again were staring into our cupboards wondering what in the heck to fix for dinner) we decided to grab bite out and then make a trip to the grocery store. We've never done that as a family before on a weeknight. On a typical evening in the Prouser household we have the dishes done and Lexi in bed before 8pm. Tonight we were at the grocery store until almost 9pm! Let's just say that we were way off schedule. But we managed and actually found that it was quite fun (and entertaining) to go to the grocery store with a 14 month old. She wanted to walk up and down (she's quite proficient at walking now by the way) all the aisles and would pull things off the shelves like she was actually shopping. It was so darn cute (but really what isn't, right?) It was also a perfect time to have her there since there were few shoppers at that time. All the staff at Albertson's knows Lexi too and tonight she drew quite the crowd. That girl has a fan base where ever she goes. Like my good friend Molly once told me about how she feels when she goes out with her adorable Rowan, we feel like celebrities each time we leave the house with little Lexi Lu. :-) Here's to more weekday family shopping trips with Seth and Lexi Lu!!! (Next time I'll take pictures)

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